Having a great time even in the heat!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


This morning we went to sun moon lake and we handed out bibles. It was really cool. There were some difficulties with language barriers, but our problems were few. We split into 3 groups. One group prayed, one group passed out bibles and the other group had free time. We switched every hour. I prayed first. We walked around and just prayed. It was pretty cool. Then my group passed out bibles. It was hard to do it because we don't  speak Chinese. But Fay, Rita, Anna, and Daniel helped translate when needed. We passed out a lot of bibles!

Abby-passing out bibles was such an awesome experience. It was so fulfilling to know that 98% of the people that we were handing bibles out to had never even had access to the living word of God. It was wonderful to be used as God's hands to deliver his word to the people visiting Sun Moon Lake. :)

We did a little shopping after then went to lunch. After lunch we headed back to Lebanon. All the girls changed into nicer clothes but apparently the guys weren't informed because they were all still matching (besides Jeff who took a dive on the roof into a puddle and hurt his hip). We headed to the church that we did our program at. He people were so inviting there. We had dinner together, which the people there made for us... Most of it was okay. We then started the service. 
It was outstanding! Abby, Ellen and Emily shared their testimony. We did the Set Me free skit and Everything skit. They both seemed to really touch people. People were crying during both. Worship was indescribable. People were so into i t. It was an anointed time. Over 126 people came to Christ. 
What was truly amazing is that Mark and Laura's connection with this church was from several years ago. Mark was hurt while playing basketball and had to have surgery. While in the hospital he meet the pastor of the church once. He said if you ever need anything or want to get together let us know! It turned out that this horrible inconvenience to Mark and his family was an amazing blessing. 

The girls really had toupee...

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